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Anyone know whether there will be a Hyper-V Server ? View best response. But I expect that it will also work in the Core version. So I don't expect them to remove that in the final release. I was just about to post similar question, now that full Server is GA.

Yes, there is a Windows Server Essentials edition. Some minor microsoft office 2016 eol free to pricing and channels, announcements coming very soon. Our strategic direction for a hypervisor platform is with Azure Stack HCI, it is a purpose built solution hybrid infrastructure for running virtual machines.

So it that a no for Hyper-V Server ? You're not actually clearly answering the question, are you aware of that? We innovated sconfig, and it is смотрите подробнее that it now has dependencies on PowerShell.

So it wouldn't have been a differentiator per se. I'm curious why you want to remove PowerShell, as that obviously has some major management trade-off's?? I'm assuming your goal is more about. Are your feelings different about. Can you elaborate on your footprint feedback? Disk drives for the boot device are plenty big these days That's why it uses the same tools and management experience The only difference is that it's a subscription model. But it's your choice if you want hybrid capabilities or not.

Eval is a special product that is time-bombed and can microsoft office 2016 eol free be used for a period of time before you must move to a licensed product. The free trial gives the first days as free for all subscriptions, so that's a value you can take advantage of for production deployments as well. So some trade-off's. Where Datacenter is a purchased license and the guest OS's are free. Yeah, I understand that.

The new sconfig certainly is better увидеть больше the one. Even though I'd microsoft office 2016 eol free it clickable and winlogon too since user32 is still present, even on the most stripped down installation. But I microsoft office 2016 eol free you don't want to close the door to bringing back something like Nano Server on bare metal This is actually somewhat tangential to Hyper-V Server, but: A significant portion of our as a company projects are in telco domain.

One of our largest partnership involved mixed proprietary communications routed and processed on a proprietary hardware. The specs of the hardware were well under the officially supported Windows Server minimum, e. Not the actual scenario основываясь на этих данных this story though. We've even deployed some as the aforementioned Nano Serverbut that wasn't usually possible due to various driver incompatibilities, and even microsoft office 2016 eol free we reverted most due to partner being uncertain if the licensing applied properly.

On several of the larger microsoft office 2016 eol free, used in backbone, we needed to isolate a problematic legacy voice software from our services, and for several reasons, we deployed them into different VMs, with Hyper-V Server as host.

Now, yes, the licensing would allow us to use the 3rd ссылка на продолжение to manage the VMs, but using stripped-down Hyper-V Server, we saved about 0. Insignificant amount in many scenarios, but this time it helped a lot. I've reported it both here and on FeedbackHub, but probably it's not a priority.

Just FYI. I would not normally remove PowerShell nor. NET, if the space constrains allowed, because doing so often breaks Windows Update, but luckily these installations weren't updated on isolated networkclassic tools were enough to manage what I needed to, and the ссылка на подробности administrators had their own ways.

And yes, PowerShell7 is great, especially since it's self-contaned. I can microsoft office 2016 eol free it on a flash drive, plug it onto any stripped down installations of mine, and it works. It even runs on the Nano Server although I've so far tested it only in container, not in VM or bare-metal installation. The last part of my footprint concerns is lab testing. When simulating higher amount of nodes, through swarm of local VMs, the used disk space quickly adds up. It's good being able to remove everything not needed and minimize microsoft office 2016 eol free images.

And this applies to Hyper-V Server too, since I've discovered the support for nested virtualization. Not all things from ServerCoreAppCompatibility packs, just microsoft office 2016 eol free couple of locally useful tools, e.

Given we don't connect any Azure subscription and the guests microsoft office 2016 eol free properly licensed? It works great, I like the low memory footprint, ease of management Windows Admin Centerand being able to move VMs between physical hosts easily if need be. As you can see, the wording is very convoluted.

And everyone knows that if you ask 5 different Microsoft Reps what the License means, you will get 5 different answers. Even if that VM had it's own license as well or had a license belonging to another customer or was a Linux VM.

It doesn't let me spin up a second Hyper-V host without extra licensing to act as a Hot Spare. I rather remove the нажмите чтобы перейти of this and stick with Hyper-V to avoid licensing confusion and not have to worry about it, and having maximum flexibility in putting any VM onto the host that I adobe pro cc free to. I am not going to be buying Azure just to host a VM, thanks but no thanks, I will switch to free software before I would do that.

I am pleased that I can keep this going untilwhich I appreciate, but we all know that Microsoft starts putting less effort into microsoft office 2016 eol free old products well before the official EOL. If it was about some people using Windows Hyper-V as a Desktop OS, although I never heard of that, and it's against the license, you could have put in watermarks and the like to discourage such use.

Hopefully the licensing of WS would be loosened up at some point to to be less restrictive in using it only as a Hyper-V host. I run it at home because its free and highly compatible with my hardware. Now, with no version, I will have to switch to something else. Products 68 Special Topics 42 Video Hub Most Active Hubs Microsoft Teams. Security, Compliance and Identity.

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Did you mean:. Sign In. I've seen mentions on forums that this SKU is being dropped, but not found anything official. Sorry, that wasn't quite what I was asking - I'm sure that Hyper-V will still exist as a server role in the main SKUs - what I'm asking is whether the standalone free Hyper-V Server would be available as one of the editions. Elden Christensen. Afraid a free day trial isn't of use for what I need - Hyper-V Server is a perpetual free license.

Afraid I can't remember which forum it was now - but it wasn't an official source, microsoft office 2016 eol free asking on here. I just returned from vacation to find that this thread had unfortunately taken a very unproductive turn I've cleaned up the posts and ask that everyone microsoft office 2016 eol free it professional.

Yes David, this is a perfectly valid place and is monitored by the development team. Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks - so just to confirm, are you saying that there will not be microsoft office 2016 eol free Hyper-V Server ?

Azure Stack HCI is unfortunately not suitable for what I need - it's for a couple of test servers which are solely used for hosting short-lived virtual machines, which are set up for testing microsoft office 2016 eol free, then deleted within a few days or a week or two at most.


Hyper-V Server - Microsoft Tech Community.End of support resources for Office - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs

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Microsoft office 2016 eol free. End of support resources for Office


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